Julia is the younger of the siblings. She is passionate about Art and Fashion. She travels a lot following her areas of interest.
Julia has a disconcerting ease to start a conversation with anyone.
You will rarely see her in the stables unlike the other family members. Julia wishes to invest herself in other fields.
However, during her visits, do not hesistate to exchange with her on the world, Art or delicacies.
Julia says that she talks too much et and too loudly. She loves to listen to music and imagines ideal life on a sunny beach.
Julia speaks french, english and portuguese.
Julia follows an artistic path. She travels the world according to her training.
Based in London to study ; Julia is sometimes brought to New York or Miami where she is trained in prestigious museums of modern and contemporary arts.
She is passionate about art and fashion and travels extensively with her interests
Zodiac sign: sagittarian, 1999
The nature’s gift she would like to have: to be able to run as fast as a cat
If she were an animal: a Koala